HiFu Treatment


What is a HIFU facial?

A high intensity focused ultrasound facial, or HIFU facial for short, is a noninvasive treatment for facial aging. This procedure is part of a growing trend for anti-aging treatments that provide some of the benefits of a facelift without the need for surgery.
These less invasive treatments have a shorter recovery period than surgical options, but the results they provide are not as dramatic and do not last as long. Due to this, dermatologistsTrusted Source recommend HIFU only for mild-to-moderate or early signs of aging.

What is it?

A HIFU facial uses ultrasound to create heat at a deep level in the skin. This heat damages targeted skin cells, causing the body to try to repair them. To do this, the body produces collagen to aid in cell regrowth. Collagen is a substance in the skin that gives it structure and elasticity.
♦ tighten the skin on the neck
♦ reduce the appearance of jowls
♦ lift drooping eyelids or eyebrows
♦ smooth wrinkles on the face
♦ smooth and tighten chest skin
The type of ultrasound that this procedure uses is different than the ultrasound that doctors use for medical imaging. HIFU uses high energy waves to target specific areas of the body.

HIFU facial

HIFU uses focused ultrasound energy to target the layers of skin just below the surface. The ultrasound energy causes the tissue to heat up rapidly.
Once the cells in the targeted area reach a certain temperature, they experience cellular damage. While this may seem counterintuitive, the damage actually stimulates the cells to produce more collagen — a protein that provides structure to the skin.
People with photodamaged skin or a high degree of loose skin may need several treatments before seeing results.

HIFU for face procedure

There’s no special preparation needed before having an HIFU procedure. You should remove all makeup and skin care products from the target area before treatment.
Here’s what to expect at your appointment:
♦ A physician or technician first cleans the target area.
♦ They may apply a topical anesthetic cream before starting.
♦ The physician or technician then applies an ultrasound gel.
♦ The HIFU device is placed against the skin.
♦ Using an ultrasound viewer, the physician or technician adjusts the device to the right setting.
♦ Ultrasound energy is then delivered to the target area in short pulses for roughly 30 to 90 minutes.
♦ The device is removed.
While the ultrasound energy is being applied, you might feel heat and tingling. You can take a pain medication if it’s bothersome.

Is HIFU safe?

The procedure has been cleared after demonstrating safety in clinical studies, and tens of thousands of treatments have been performed safely worldwide. In addition, ultrasound energy has a proven track record, with use in the field of medicine for more than 50 years.