Reduce Double Chin

Double Chin

What is Double Chin?

People with a double chin, or submental fat, have an excess layer of fatty tissue under their lower jaw. This common condition affects young and old, men and women. And it happens for a variety of reasons. You don’t have to be overweight to get a double chin. While weight is a common factor in getting extra fat in many places on the body.

What causes a double chin

A double chin, also known as submental fat, is a common condition that occurs when a layer of fat forms below your chin. A double chin is often associated with weight gain, but you don’t have to be overweight to have one. Genetics or looser skin resulting from aging may also cause a double chin.

How is the procedure done?

The tattooed area is first anaesthetised by applying a numbing cream for 30-40 minutes. The area is then cleaned with an anti-septic solution. Laser parameters are set on the machine. Laser beam is targeted on the tattoo and shots are given in a regular pattern to cover the entire tattoo. Immediately post treatment, there will be some swelling and pain, which is relieved by ice compression for few minutes.

How does double chin form?

Double chin is medically referred to as submental fat. It usually develops when a layer of fat accumulates below your chin or around your neck area and most commonly associated with weight gain .
Double chin often give a face fuller appearance. While many people wish to remove double chins because of the social standards of beauty, health wise it is advisable as double chin is a sign of obesity in many.

Treatments for a double chin

A double chin is caused by an extra layer of fat that develops beneath the chin. A few different factors combine in the body to create a double chin. Understanding these factors may help with understanding ways to get rid of the double chin itself.
♦ Age : The skin can start to lose its elasticity as the body ages, which can lead to the appearance of extra or saggy skin that may contribute to a double chin.
♦ Diet and weight : While weight gain is not always the cause of a double chin, it can contribute to it. A diet high in calories, processed foods, and unhealthful fats may influence weight gain and a double chin as well.
♦ Genetics : Genes may play a role in people developing a double chin. Anyone with a family history of skin with little elasticity or double chins might be more likely to develop one themselves.
♦ Posture : Poor posture can weaken the muscles of the neck and chin. This may contribute to a double chin over time, as the surrounding skin loses its elasticity when the muscles are not used.