Thread Lift

Thread Lift

What is a thread lift?

A thread lift is a type of procedure wherein temporary sutures are used to produce a subtle but visible "lift" in the skin. Instead of removing the patient's loose facial skin surgically, the cosmetic surgeon simply suspends it by stitching up portions of it. This is important because of the vital role collagen plays in the aging process.
Patients who have a thread lift for the purpose of stimulating collagen will notice a gradual improvement in their skin's tone and firmness.

How much does a thread lift cost?

The costs of a thread lift will vary widely according to where you live, how much experience your provider has, and how many areas you are going to target with your treatment.
Your forehead, jowls, under-eye area, and eyebrow are all parts of your face that can be considered for a thread lift. You can choose to target just one area or several at once, increasing the cost. A thread lift used to draw up and tighten the breasts may be more costly.

How does a thread lift work?

The first is fairly straightforward. By threading thin, dissolvable sutures underneath your skin, your doctor is able to pull your skin tight around your forehead, neck, or torso. Once a barbed thread is inserted, your body’s healing response is triggered. Even though you’re not injured by the threads under your skin, your body detects a suture material and stimulates collagen production in the affected area.

Thread lift procedure

The procedure for thread lift may be slightly different depending on the area you’re targeting as well as your provider’s preferences. The basic technique is usually the same.
1. You’ll be asked to recline in the room where your procedure is being performed. Alcohol, as well as topical aesthetic , will be applied to your skin as it’s prepped for surgery.
2. A thin needle or cannula will be used to insert the threads underneath your skin. Inserting the threads can take 30 to 45 minutes.
3. After the threads are inserted, the method of insertion will be removed. You may feel light pressure or tightening under your skin.
4. Within a few minutes of the needles being taken out, your procedure will be complete and you’ll be free to go home.

What are the benefits of thread lift?

Thread lifts offer many benefits including the following:
♦ Rejuvenates and makes skin look more rested and firm
♦ Allows a more defined facial contour
♦ Achieves a youthful look without scarring and the need for general anaesthesia
♦ A quick and effective solution for a wide range of ageing problems

What Are The Advantages of a Thread Lift?

Thread lifts have now replaced major surgeries like facelifts because of their advantages like:
♦ Reduced recovery time
♦ Can be performed under local anesthesia
♦ Minimally invasive
♦ Easy to perform
♦ Affordable
♦ Ideal for mild to moderate signs of aging
♦ Promotes natural collagen production

What results can I expect after the procedure?

You can appreciate an instant lift of your sagging tissues. Deep folds and wrinkles improve along with the fine lines. The sagging old looking face is immediately converted to a lifted young looking face. Maximum result is appreciated 3 months after the procedure as the collagen remodelling that is stimulated by the PDO threads starts to show its clinical effects by then. You can also notice a significant improvement in the texture and tone of the skin. The skin feels firmer, brighter and more glowing.