best Laser Treatment In Kota

Laser Tattoo Removal

What is tattoo removal?

Tattoo removal is removal of unwanted tattoos. It can be done by a number of ways, including laser treatments, chemical peels, dermabrasion and surgical excision.
However, lasers are the most common modality used today for tattoo removal in kota.

How does laser tattoo removal work?

Tattoos is composed of multiple particles of tattoo ink suspended in the skin. The normal human immune system typically removes small foreign particles from the skin. Tattoo ink particles are too big in size to be able to be removed by this system and are thus considered permanent. The use of lasers helps to break up these particles into smaller pieces that can be removed by the immune system. Laser treatments work by targeting the tattoo ink particles with highly concentrated laser beams that heat up and break the ink particles into smaller pieces that are able to be cleared away by the body's immune system. Q-switched lasers are the best for tattoo removal cost in kota.

How is the procedure done?

The tattooed area is first anaesthetised by applying a numbing cream for 30-40 minutes. The area is then cleaned with an anti-septic solution. Laser parameters are set on the machine. Laser beam is targeted on the tattoo and shots are given in a regular pattern to cover the entire tattoo. Immediately post treatment, there will be some swelling and pain, which is relieved by ice compression for few minutes.

Is the procedure painful?

Laser tattoo removal is somewhat painful. It feels like a rubber band snapping the skin repeatedly. However, to reduce the discomfort, a topical skin numbing medications is always applied 30 minutes prior to the procedure.

How many sessions are required for complete removal of tattoo?

Laser tattoo removal india typically requires multiple sessions to fragment the ink particles and make it easier for them to be removed by the immune system. Depending on the tattoo design, size and colour, it may take 1-10 laser sessions to remove the ink. Some colours of ink are harder to remove than others and may not be able to be completely removed.

How frequently the sessions are done?

There should be a 4-6 weeks time period between each laser session to allow the wounds to heal and the body to absorb as much of the ink as is possible.

What are the risks of laser tattoo removal?

Laser is an effective and safe treatment modality to remove unwanted tattoos.
If good quality USA FDA approved laser machine, correct laser parameters and proper treatment protocols are used, the results of laser tattoo removal can be highly satisfying.
The potential risks of tattoo removal include Infection
♦ Poor wound healing
♦ Unfavourable scarring
♦ Skin discolouration that may be permanent
♦ Suboptimal aesthetic result